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SANGKARA $MISA token is a digital token or commonly known as asset-based cryptocurrency in the real world, in this case it is a fixed asset belonging to PT Mitra Sangkara Abadi.

What is the difference between this SANGKARA $MISA token and other tokens?

In principle, it is the same as using Blockchain technology, only the real difference is that the value of the SANGKARA $MISA token is guaranteed by the fixed assets owned by PT Mitra Sangkara Abadi.

How do I buy SANGKARA $MISA Tokens?

During the Pre ICO period, this token can only be purchased directly through MSA, and will be sent directly to the wallet address listed in the filled form. After the ICO, tokens will be able to be purchased on various registered exchange platforms.

How to add $MISA to Trust Wallet?

  1. Click the Two Round Icon in the Top Right
  2. Search Tokens
  3. Then scroll down and Klik Add Custom Tokens
  4. After that copy and paste the SC Smart Contract Address from $MISA
  5. Choose Binance Smart Chain Network
  6. Paste the address of the SC $MISA Smart Contract :
  7. Just wait a minute and it will be filled automatically
  8. Done

when will SANGKARA TOKEN $MISA be Listed on CEX (Centralized Exchanger)?

Based on our work roadmap, we expect to be listed in January, on January 12, 2022 . Currently our team is working hard to be able to fulfill all the requirements to be able to list and ensure a massive number of holders.

What about the Legality of PT MSA?

Mitra Sangkara Abadi is in the form of a Limited Liability Company whose shares are owned by the Founders. Through PT MSA, Sangkara ($MISA) Token will be registered as a Crypto asset that can be traded on CEX. Details of all PT MSA's assets will be announced in the Release White Paper which has been approved by the authorities.

How much supply of SANGKARA $MISA tokens will be released?

During the Pre ICO period, the tokens to be released are equivalent to 25% of the total supply of tokens, then in the ICO stage another 25% of the total supply of tokens will be released, the maximum tokens on the market will be limited to 50% of the total supply.

Is the SANGKARA $MISA Token a stable token?

So far, tokens have been made only based on digital assets whose value is very dynamic. By becoming a token with a fixed asset guarantee, the SANGKARA $MISA Token has a hedge that can be said to be stable, even tends to rise.

What if I buy $MISA and don't have a Crypto Wallet App yet?

To save $MISA you always need a Krypto Wallet, in this case the application that can be used is TRUST WALLET, please install it and we will send the Token you bought to your Wallet Address. You can create a trust wallet here:

Can SANGKARA TOKEN $MISA be traded at this time?

$MISA currently cannot be traded through the DEFI application, $MISA will be listed on the Exchanger or CEX (Centralized Exchanger), when $MISA is listed, it can be traded on the Exchanger.

What and Where are the Fixed Assets that are the Underlying SANGKARA ($MISA) Token?

All of MSA's assets are currently in the form of plantation land in the Pulosari District Pemalang Regency, all of which are still privately owned by the Founding Team. During this ICO Preparation, all assets will be transferred to PT MSA.

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

Showcases expertise, trust, and authority.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

Frequently gets updated based on new data insights.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?

Showcases expertise, trust, and authority.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nobis distinctio quas at, voluptates saepe asperiores nesciunt nulla dolor dolore alias! Saepe laboriosam aliquid, ullam nihil nostrum quibusdam iste expedita inventore?